INSTRUCTION 6—Bad Astrophysics Turning Into Even
Worse Cosmology
us be clear from the outset—astrophysics deals with the physics
(and chemistry) of the stars and planets in the galaxies. It can
be a legitimate scientific discipline, as long as in its
speculations, hypotheses and theories it obeys the strict laws
of science. Cosmology, in contrast, deals with absurdities such
as the “theory” of relativity and quantum mechanics, and tries
to ascribe them to the universe. Cosmology pushes so hard that
it has already contaminated most of astrophysics, even taking it
over, as will be seen. This is one of the greatest tragedies, if
not the greatest, which humanity has experienced in its entire
existence because it damages its very essence, its cognition.
section presents another brief illustration of what astrophysics
studies and how it has hopelessly slipped and deteriorated into
cosmology. We will see that astrophysics is not spared the
ordeal of being occupied by the contemporary insanity and
outright lunacy in physics, all efforts being applied to turn
all astrophysics into the absurd insanity of cosmology, in order
to give cosmology legitimacy. However, being concerned with more
tangible realities, the chapter deals with matters, also being
speculative, which may resemble an attempt at drawing a picture
closer to a physical picture. It is felt from the speculations
that although the universe is mentioned, what is had in mind is
the development of the visible part of the universe around
us—the planets, the stars and the galaxies. Clearly, that part
of the universe can quite conceivably have a beginning and end,
all of it existing within the infinite space and infinite time
of the infinite universe, the same way every living or inanimate
object has a beginning and end. Presented that way, the
otherwise twisted and unlikely discussions of the confused
cosmology acquire a more realistic silhouette and sometimes even
approach real science, free from absurdities.
those who value their time and have basic self-respect and
integrity, already know the drill and are quite alert. The
simple general principle of economy emerging from this book,
applies as well to the hallucinations and deliriums presented as
an exercise in speculating on matters regarding our universe. It
is already clearly spelled out—immediately abandon further
reading as soon as two things are detected either individually
or in combination—the mere mentioning of the “theory” of
relativity and quantum mechanics. Reading further, any follow-up
speculation is rendered senseless with these non sequitur
absurdities, adopted as the initial run-down train-station of
the journey into nothingness, along a railroad with no rails.
As mentioned continuously in this book, clearly seen from what
was discussed, the “theory” of relativity can predict nothing
because it is an absurdity, least of all can it predict
spacetime and its beginning and end, big bang and properties
thereof, black holes and what will happen with matter if it
falls therein.
All we already know about what the matter at hand is, tells us
that we are dealing with a certain group of sick minds, not even
very imaginative and creative with their figments, who have
found each other well, and, together, have set themselves to
outrageous bullying of the world, mainly to steal its resources,
and in the process, enjoy, as a bonus, an enormous ego-trip of
falsely glittering science stars.
As expected, the speculations about the universe, implicitly
considering its visible part, begin in the middle of things. As
the current scientific dictatorship demands, the correctness of
the “theory” of relativity and quantum mechanics is taken for
granted and the discussion about their viability is considered
closed. Their scientificity is considered beyond reproach and
they are even considered the standard of highest science. These
two absurd theories are considered the indubitable measure of
truth. One really wonders how this can be, since catastrophic
arguments put forth by this author, overthrowing these
“theories” by unequivocally proving that they are nothing other
than intellectual menace, have been around publicly for more
than a decade. What keeps students, or any audience, for that
matter, listening to that absurdity, reading it and trying to
learn it? Obviously, a social gravity, the attraction toward
authority, as mangled intellectually as it can ever be, is the
societal black hole attracting really strongly, compared to the
attraction of the weak innocence of truth and reason. Besides,
how many are those who wouldn’t enjoy fairy tales, even if the
setting of their telling is not the most likely one, smelling of
school—a gathering ostensibly devoted to science, usually
considered boring, making not too few run away as soon as they
hear about it. The grapevine has spread the word that it would
be different. The preacher would pontificate contagious
amazingness, which induces catatonic stupor of dreams, not less
entertaining and addictive than what is causing the opioid
crisis. Kudos for the lecturer. Good for him, to be able to
attract an audience on something so repellent to the public mind
such as science. Or, is it really good for him? Judge for
So, let’s see what golden grains fall from the mouth of our good
speaker. Having turned his back to reason, considering
discussing such an annoying thing as reason as a closed topic,
the speaker takes it for granted, as a firmly established fact,
that the universe expands and observes it as if it is a vessel,
containing gas, which cools upon such expansion. Well, why
wouldn’t he? You have come to listen to him, not him listening
to you. However, if he really means the universe, not just our
galaxy, the universe is infinite and one cannot speculate one
thing about infinity. Well, like I said, he is not to report to
you. Your questions are closed, so be good and listen up?
Fine, let the journey begin—that beginning appearing as
resembling real science, not even suspecting what is ahead of
us. First things first, while, not being able to help ourselves,
we will always think of the galaxies as what the lecturer calls
the universe, not anything beyond it—if we do agree with the
swelling universe, getting cooler in the process, we cannot deny
that its declining energy is registered by falling temperature.
However, together with this, we cannot deny also that once the
expansion of the universe is taken as the true premise, then the
actual premise implied is that the universe had begun somewhere,
and that beginning cannot take place at just any “volume”,
because, then one would rightfully ask—hasn’t that same universe
expanded prior to that moment or it has just popped up in a
stationary state, and then the expansion began? What I want to
say is that the idea that the universe must have a beginning is
already present in what is being speculated about, in advance of
even the commencement of the speculations. That should be
remembered, if the lecturer’s intention is to convince us that
he has proved that the universe has a beginning. No, he hasn’t
proved such a thing. He is offering that the universe has a
beginning as a premise, begging the question (committing petitio
At these high temperatures, the attracting nuclear or
electromagnetic forces will not manage to prevent the particles
from escaping their pull. That said, now the lecturer asks us to
imagine that at the beginning of that swelling of the universe,
the temperature is so high that whatever particles there are in
it, these particles overcome any electromagnetic or
gravitational attraction and are roaming freely—a close to mind
picture, which doesn’t take much to imagine.
It is also not reeking of imagination that when the temperature
goes down (remember, we accepted that the universe is like an
expanding cylinder with gas, whose temperature decreases due to
the adiabatic expansion) the particles won’t be able to resist
the attractive forces and will start clinging to each other more
and more. This is a pretty non-innovative picture, its
questionable application to model the universe notwithstanding.
However, let us carry on. We are talking about the particles
that are already there, remember.
Here comes the next bump—we are asked to imagine that, now, when
the temperatures moves to lower values, although still high, the
particles have become conducive to interaction, and we must
imagine that antiparticles are also being produced, but in
lesser quantity than the particles themselves, so the particles
overwhelm, they survive. Now why should we imagine such a thing
and where is the evidence for it, that is not to be asked. Just
take it at the lecturer’s word.
So, at these higher temperatures, particles are the winner.
Particles (not antiparticles) are the winner because the
temperature is so high that the antiparticles’ causing
annihilation cannot catch up with the production of new
particle-antiparticle pairs—well, is it not true that in order
to get annihilated, the particle must be produced first, never
mind that also an anti-particle is produced but its causing
annihilation follows up in time, while in the meantime a new
pair is produced? So, in the overall account, at these high
temperatures, the antiparticles do not succeed in annihilating
the particles and, as a result, the particles overwhelm.
This picture presupposes that the temperatures are so high that
the particle-antiparticle pairs have certain lifetime, during
which more particle-antiparticle pairs are produced. It is like
having a production of entities which have a certain lifetime
before they die, but in the meantime, while they are alive, more
entities are produced. There will be, of course, a temperature,
as temperature goes down, when the produced will become equal to
those that disappear, and then, upon further lowering the
temperature, the production will become so slow that the
disappearance will overwhelm production, and the number of the
living entities will begin declining. The lecturer has chosen to
model that dying off of particles by introducing antiparticles.
Thus, at lower temperatures, we are told that the colliding
particles, having less energy, will, respectively, produce fewer
particle-antiparticle pairs, which will increase the number of
annihilations and the particles will decline in number.
one might ask, where is the “theory” of relativity and the
quantum mechanics in this picture and why shouldn’t we accept it
as told, especially if there is evidence for these predictions?
However, no sooner did we utter this question than the lecturer
did not fail to rumble, waving the ragged banner of the “theory”
of relativity. Read on.
Thus, at one point, the lecturer spits out the pebble about
which we were wondering—yeah, there is a presupposed beginning,
the big bang, the universe having zero size and infinite
temperature. The “theory” of relativity says so. If this is what
his calculations show, these calculations are to be dismissed
solely based on this ridiculous conclusion for such a beginning,
the absurdity of the “theory” of relativity, claimed to have
borne out such gibberish notwithstanding.
as the universe expands, causing the dropping of its
temperature, although remaining extremely high, he becomes
specific, naming what the particles are. They must be of low
mass and the current knowledge supplies him with participants.
The least controversial are the electrons, then, because, as
said, he conjectures antiparticles, there are antielectrons,
which, as a result of annihilation, produce photons (coinciding
with antiphotons). Those who work in this area know that, in
fact, two coincident photons are emitted at 180 degree direction
to each other—this illustrates what was already implied; namely,
that these speculations involve known effects, mixed with
conjectures, some taken from the legitimate science, transferred
completely illegitimately onto the universe, as well as outright
outlandishness of the “theory” of relativity variety. The
controversial particles are the massless neutrinos. Protons and
neutrons are also admitted but very few.
the further decrease of the temperature, the above-described
particle-antiparticle picture will kick in, applied to the
electrons. Electrons will begin disappearing because the
annihilation by the antielectrons will prevail. So, the
electrons are done with, all but a few of them.
so with the hypothetical inert neutrinos (respectively,
antineutrinos), which, because they don’t interact even with the
antineutrinos, must have survived to this day. Detecting the
relics of particles producing the microwave background radiation
would be a confirmation of the validity of the model.
However, there is always something—the relic-neutrinos would be
of undetectably low energy levels, but if dreams come true, and
it suddenly turns out that said neutrinos are not massless,
despite their inability to allow us to register them because of
their low energy, those relic particles would exert
gravitational effects, which can be felt. Nothing like this has
been detected but dreams are free—dark-matter-like effects by
these relic neutrinos would be a blessing for this model—that
dark matter which, because of its abundance, may cause reversing
of the universe expansion by opposing it gravitationally,
causing its swiveling or collapsing back. The latter is another
conjecture unsupported by direct evidence, but don’t worry, we
are swimming freely in the straights of these suppositions, an
exercise, which for some people is like fish swimming in
tropical waters.
now we are at temperatures where protons and neutrons begin to
feel the so-called strong nuclear force, binding them into the
simplest nuclei, consisting of one proton and one neutron
(deuterium). Obviously, the lecturer takes into account the
neutrons that are around for some reason, that is why he doesn’t
leave the protons alone to form hydrogen.
However, he provides also for the further formation of
two-proton-two-neutron nuclei of helium, as well as lithium
(three proton and four neutron nucleus) and beryllium (four
proton and three neutron nucleus). There are some more details
but this is the gist. The point here is to give a sense of the
speculations which are made far and wide in cosmology.
This flimsy picture was further promoted, especially the
expectation that there may be relic photons from those early
days of the universe, surviving today, albeit at temperatures
close to the absolute zero, and experimental evidence began to
be proposed for such. This is one of the experiments that have
to be revisited, considering the atmosphere of manipulations
that characterizes physics today.
The claims of agreement with what is predicted must be heeded
with utmost caution, especially if there is “theory” of
relativity and quantum mechanics contamination, which must be
very carefully sifted and removed.
Don’t forget that the adherents to the big bang model are
scraping the barrel to find evidence for a model which should
not be paid attention to, to begin with, in view of its
absurdity—well, the major theory, such as the “theory” of
relativity, is a brazen absurdity, why not allow a little
additional absurdity here and there. This is how slowly but
surely admitting a major inappropriateness such as the “theory”
of relativity undermines thinking and things which would
otherwise be unthinkable, are now as common as “Guten tag!”
What was said so far has elements of a somewhat trivially
plausible picture of the beginning of life on earth, because it
involves chemistry, but it does not mitigate the feeling of
flimsiness which we get from the purely physical speculations.
That the picture painted is in agreement with what is observed
today is such a blanket statement that it must be checked, if
not ignored outright. One has a sense that the agreement part is
said for the personal reassurance of someone who is not exactly
certain of what he is talking about.
As in any model, there are questions arising, which sometimes
defeat the model. Here, the right question is not why the early
universe was so hot but, was there an early universe the way it
was described, and the answer is unequivocal—whatever the
universe might have been, neither “theory” of relativity, nor
quantum mechanics can give us even an inkling of an answer.
Neither “theory” of relativity, nor quantum mechanics can give
an answer to any other question about the universe and its
isotropy, the latter being entirely expected, provided the
universe’s infinity.
The idea of the cosmologist is that there would not have been
time for the different regions to communicate among themselves
in order to reach homogeneity and isotropy because the highest
speed possible, according to the “theory” of relativity, is the
speed of light, no higher. Therefore, no faster information can
take place. Here, we have again reversal of the cause and
effect. Thus, when that cause-effect sequence is straightened
out, then if the communication between regions is of the
essence—the factor equalizing their properties—then the fact
that nothing can travel above the speed of light is an argument
against the big bang. The argument goes like this—we consider
that the background microwave radiation is a relic from the
early moments of the big bang. It is isotropic. However, that
cannot be, because even the speed of light, with its highest
possible velocity, could not reach from one region to another,
let alone any other communication, having intrinsically lower
thing that may help the big bang argument, is recalling that the
“theory” of relativity is absurdity and we shouldn’t base any
ruminations on it. However, then, we would ruin the very big
bang party since the idea of a big bang is a figment of the
adherents to the “theory” of relativity.
cosmologist wonders why, for example, the universe started at
the same temperature, since the temperature of one region could
not be communicated fast enough to another region. Thus, there
must be some reason for each one of these parts to start out at
the same temperature. What is that reason?
Why did the universe start with just the right rate of
expansion. The cosmologist claims that all models show that if
it were a little bit less it would have recollapsed, while if it
has been a little bit more, it would have expanded forever, but,
according to him, even today, the universe is expanding at just
the right rate,
despite it being homogeneous, as the relic microwave background
radiation indicates, there are stars and galaxies which are
thought to be local fluctuations of the density, which is not
seen in the relic radiation. Well, this is another argument
against the big bang. So much hope was delegated to the relic
radiation to be a mark from the distant past that there was a
big bang, and now these nasty planets and galaxies,
irregularities not seen in the relic, mess up the beautiful
picture about the big bang, which we hoped so much to be
supported by the relic.
mistake the cosmologist makes is that he is looking for help in
the absurd “theory” of relativity. Being absurd, the “theory” of
relativity can predict nothing at all, let alone assist in
conjectures about the big bang, and the so-much hopeful eyes
turned to the relic to serve as supportive evidence. Therefore,
revisit the evidence and see, first, if that evidence comprises
a real effect and, second, even if it is real, whether or not it
can serve as evidence of something like the big bang, that is
unlikely to begin with. Remember, it was mentioned at one point
in this book that the fantasy-mongers, taking themselves as
theoreticians of physics, scrape the barrel for even crumbs of
supportive evidence from the working bees, from those who they
label as the experimentalists.
A singularity is said to be predicted by a theory which is
itself non-sequitur, but that is not enough of a reason
not to talk at all about it, but, instead, proceed to discuss
what will happen at the singularity and even add that the absurd
theory would collapse there, to say nothing that even all the
laws of physics would as well. Is this travesty or what?
on the verge of cutting big bang out of the theory, as the
cosmologist did before, with the question about what happened
before the big bang, he doesn’t give up that easily. The
cosmologist takes the “Columbus’s egg” route—if you don’t like a
part of the model, even if it is the crucial part that sustains
its very integrity, just cut it out. Fudging or cheating, it’s
your choice how to call that kind of manipulation.
instead of admitting the error, the cosmologist struggles for
justification of his cheating. According to him, science has
provided for such an approach. You just start in the middle of
things and go on studying what you see from that moment on.
That’s fine. However, what happened with the big bang? Are you
still a fan of it? Do you still subscribe to the view that the
universe started with a big bang? Because if you do, you add to
your cheating another cheating, since you just told us that,
because of insurmountable arguments, we have to cut out the
initial moment of the big bang. How did the next moment come
about, then? That question arises naturally because you did
unleash your imagination and resorted to extrapolating the
effect back to a big bang, riding on the Hubble’s purported red
shift, but then you casually cut the big bang out of your model,
while still maintaining that the big bang did really happen
because there was a next moment after it. Go figure!
top of it, now, instead of being ashamed of your cheating, you
have the gall to imagine that, see, someone decreed laws, which
somehow do not fit the non-existing initial moment, but then
they went into effect. Have you no shame to make the reader read
such rambling? Choosing initial conditions that do not exist?
That’s quite a stretch.
wait, to get out of this situation you suggest something new;
i.e., that, now, we will never understand the chooser, is that
top of it, see, the chooser of the initial conditions chose also
to play with us, not that we, those who chose to adhere to an
absurd theory or make inappropriate inferences from a red-shift,
ourselves are out of our senses to fall for such a discourse.
in a while, at different turns of the story, ruminations about
science as such are offered, noting the trivial fact that
humanity realized that there are certain regularities that
govern nature. Even opinions are uttered to find out who set
these regularities up, countering arbitrariness. In other words,
instead of addressing the fact that the model isn’t working, we
now should occupy ourselves with pondering what science itself
is, and how the veiled natural codification of scientific
studies, came about.
trivially, boundary conditions are part of the law of nature but
you chose to ignore them. You chose to cut them out of the
theory. To say nothing that spacetime does not belong to the
laws of nature. Inadequacies such as spacetime do not belong to
the laws of nature. When something is absurd, there cannot be
even one single principle that would undo the absurdity.
Therefore, it makes no sense to suggest, as some sort of a
solution, what you call chaotic boundary conditions. This will
not get you out of the dead-end street you got stuck in with the
beginning moment of the big bang problem.
from now on, it is ridiculous to continue and be made to listen
to outlandishness such as whether universe is spatially infinite
or it is a gathering of infinitely many universes, and even the
thought of how universe started out, something that you, the
cosmologist, already cut out of the model. Besides, wasn’t it
that the relic was quite homogeneous and isotropic? What
happened to that?
the observed homogeneity on a large scale of the universe breaks
down the whole stipulation about big bang. This became clear
long ago. Why are you continuing?
Besides—not again. Speculations about
order\(\rightarrow\)disorder are inapplicable to the infinite
On top of it, adding non-entities such as black holes really
makes the whole thing doubly ridiculous. Nothing can save the
big bang model, least of all invoking absurd entities such as
black holes.
naked supposition that there may be occasionally homogeneous
regions among the chaotic universe is just wishful thinking.
Find them and demonstrate them and then talk about such regions.
Just suggesting them makes no sense. No analogies will help in
this case but direct research to find such species. Good luck.
So, the main concern for the cosmologist is why the universe
which we know, is uniform judging from the relic. It just
happened, is your straw to catch at. However, anyone can say
that it just happened so. Anyone can say anything. Prove it.
There isn’t even a sliver of evidence. All evidence, even your
favorite relic, proves the opposite—smooth universe, contrary to
the existing universe with planets, stars and galaxies.
Going further—to reassure ourselves that we exist because we see
the universe the way it is, is not enough of an argument, if
that can at all be an argument to begin with, that there was a
big bang. That is a very lame line of thinking.
Well, don’t sway from the main problem. The suggestion that
there are peculiar regions conducive to existence of life is not
an argument in any way connected to the big bang.
top of it, never forget that above all this manipulation, there
is an absurdity hovering—the “theory” of relativity.
Meeting with these obstacles in explaining the origin of the
universe, the cosmologist reverts to discussing the appearance
of intelligent life. But, wait a minute, what we want to know,
and we spent some time on it, is not the appearance of
intelligent life but why we keep talking about the big bang,
provided the relic attests to homogeneous initial conditions,
let alone temperature incapable of being communicated between
regions. Intelligent life has nothing to do with the resolution
of these problems.
So, now, in addition to the red-shift and the relic, we invoke
our own existence to trace it back to the big bang. What
happened to all the other arguments that defeated the very idea
of big bang? Why should we trace our existence back to something
which did not exist at all. It might have taken us a long time
to evolve but that doesn’t prove at all any connection with the
beginning of the universe. We see here again a total breakdown
of the logical connections, on top of violating causality. There
is nothing anthropomorphic about such an argumentation aimed at
proving that big bang really took place.
Ooops, now the cosmologist gets us into the generation of stars.
Wait a minute, you couldn’t explain how the stars arrived into
the picture in the first place, but now you forgot that and
began talking about generation of stars, as if that is taken for
The explanation that the elements, especially carbon and oxygen,
appeared after conversion of the initial hydrogen and helium by
the stars, which then exploded as supernovas, further forming
other stars and planets, giving even time-frames up to reaching
the stage of biological evolution, has nothing to do with the
big bang. It could have happened without the big bang.
The above conjecture gave us no new knowledge regarding the
claimed beginning of the universe, the big bang. We could have
uttered that blabber under any circumstances, having not even
heard of something called the big bang.
There is also absolutely no grounds to propose such a thing as
what is labeled as many different universes, or a concept
labeled many different regions governed by different laws of
science in one universe. This is lunacy not better than the
flat-earth theory.
Furthermore, how does the fact you mention; namely, that we
cannot derive the fundamental constants from theory, have any
connection with whether or not the big bang is real?
Hopes in vain that a theory may come up one day that would
predict all fundamental constants or that these fundamental
constants are different in some imagined parallel universes or
in regions within the same universe, is an example of the
factors that cause distrust in science. There are absolutely no
grounds for imagining such a sick thing and suggesting it is
only pandering, for your book to sell, to groups of society
uneducated enough to hold such expectations.
Speaking about the fundamental constants, you say they must be
finely adjusted, but by whom? The laws of science, then, are
finely adjusted. However, they are not. There is no one to
adjust the laws of nature. The laws of nature are to be studied,
not pondered where they come from. Such a study is an idle
ponder what would have happened if the values of the fundamental
constants were different is just like pondering what would have
happened if my grandmother was a man.
To say nothing of unsupported fantasies of intelligent life,
existing somewhere, different from what we are, are liked by the
public, which makes money for the author. Entertainment for the
feeble minded. This kind of banter puts the question where the
limit in science is (not in theater, literature and art as a
whole where it is almost limitless) for unleashing imagination
and fantasy. Imagination and fantasy in science stop at the
absolute truths science espouses and strives to learn about.
Science is essentially the continuous desire to reach new and
new absolute truths.
Further, what does the suggestion that there are only limited
values of fundamental constants that support life, prove? Least
of all does it prove that there was a big bang, if we are to
return to the topic.
It doesn’t matter how the cosmologist dodges, twists and turns,
no rabbit will pop up from the intelligent-life-bush to sustain
that the universe had a beginning and that beginning was the big
need not get into these speculations because they go without
saying—change the conditions on which the law is defined, and
the law won’t hold any more. The egg is not going to stay raw if
it is left in boiling water for ten minutes. To even think that
the latter can be taken as an expression of a divine principle,
is laughable, if one is concerned with science, not with
it be said that we will cut out of the theory the existence of
parallel universes because they would not be observable from our
universe. But they cut themselves out already, because they are
idle banter with no support whatsoever.
as if this needs to be said, you cannot have different regions
with different physical laws in our universe because that
contradicts the findings of science. Science doesn’t exist for
no reason. There are so many ambitious scientists striving to
make a discovery that, any such discrepancy would make anyone
finding it a hero.
this is not a discussion about the origin of life but concerns
the claimed origin of the universe—a claim doomed from the get
go. To say nothing of the fact that to claim different
scientific laws in different universes or in different regions
of our universe, confronts all science we know. Where is even an
inkling of such difference in scientific laws?
in all this rambling of the cosmologist, the underlying idea is
that universe has a beginning. However, this prerequisite was
shown untrue by just the simple remark that infinity, such as
our universe, cannot become more infinite through expansion or
that zero can become infinity via a big bang, let alone that we
cannot cut out of pondering the universe what might have
happened prior to a supposed big bang.
this major crushing of the idea of big bang by the above
irrevocable arguments against the big bang, it will be
diminishing to the discussion to repeat the arguments against
the big bang, based on details about the big bang, such as
insufficiency of time to communicate temperature to all parts of
the universe or the need for critical rate of expansion to
prevent recollapse.
fans of the big bang, however, like to dig into the barrel of
the insignificant and outright outrageous, in order to scrape up
supportive details, at times, even timidly inventing with
nothing to support it—the entire attempt being flimsy as it
is—implication of outside intervention.
example, such scraping the barrel, considering outside
intervention moot, an attempt at discussing such made-up detail
of the originally made-up idea of a big bang, is a discussion of
what is known as inflationary model of the development of the
universe. It presupposes the big bang but only tries to explain
away the particular, strictly set, rate of expansion. We will
waste some time on this for those who might be curious to take a
peek at what cosmologists, still dressed up as astrophysicists,
waste their time on.
the inflationary model of the advancement after the big bang is
a simplistic model attempting to explain away that already
mentioned, menacing to the theory, inexplicable homogeneity of
the universe in the aftermath of the big bang (big bang is
presumed) and the sudden spread of temperature after the big
bang, not possible to take place since it would require speeds
higher than the maximally possible speed of light. The
inflationary model of the universe is based on the idea known as
supercooling of water, at temperatures where water should be
solid but is still liquid. This trivial effect in the ordinary,
down to earth physics, is attempted to be used in trying to
introduce, as a tricky way of conceiving homogeneity, an
additional kick in the expansion of the universe—when
supercooled; that is, in a state where the initial symmetry
between the 3 forces—strong nuclear, weak nuclear and
electromagnetic—had to be broken (phase transition had to have
occurred), but it still hadn't been broken. When enjoying the
symmetry, the universe has excess energy (universe with broken
symmetry has lost that excess energy and is at a lower energy
level) and this contributes as an additional kick to the
expansion. This additional kick plays the role of a repulsive,
antigravitational, as it were, force. This explains how, with
this additional kick, even the regions with greater
concentration of particles will be dispersed.
In other words, this model is created to explain why at the
first moments the universe was homogeneous, as the relic
suggests, although one would think that it was random, with
concentrating particles here and there. Well, it was, the
cosmologist says, but then it was supercooled and that
additional force due to supercooling kicked in and smoothed the
whole picture out.
other words, in these initial moments, the irregularities would
be smoothed out because, due to the supercooled state, the
particles would be additionally blown farther away from each
other and this smooths out any wrinkles, to use the lingo of
some cosmologists. So, even if the universe started out
non-uniform, this supercooling smoothed it away.
this explains why in this smoothed state the light can travel
from one region to another. Rather, why no communication greater
than the speed of light is necessary, for all the regions to
“know”, as it were, to resemble each other. The supercooling
does the job for that task, in the stead of communication by
faster than the speed of light “messaging”—quite a ridiculous
convoluted conjecture. Thus, any possible conjectures, even
ridiculous ones, such as supercooling, are utilized to justify
big bang.
this is only an account of some ideas which are hovering in the
expanses of cosmology, we will not analyze the obvious
untenability of such proposals, which, aside from the
unacceptability of the big bang itself, also make attempts at
endowing the universe with physical properties it cannot have.
This was a remark made also in other places in this book when it
comes to speculations on the “juicy” topics of existence or
ontology, if you wish, by exploiting twisted epistemology.
is also to be noticed how the cosmologist is talking about the
universe that we can observe. He flips all the time between the
universe we can observe and the entire (infinite) universe, in
this way muddling the reader in the whirl of the hinted,
unspoken, presumed idea of this whole talk being about the
entire universe. Some readers, however, may not fall for the
trick, realizing that this is what he means by universe; namely,
the visible part of the universe, even stated euphemistically.
This makes the big bang idea a bit more plausible, which
mitigates the natural resistance which the same person has when
he is told about expansion of the infinity. In this limited
form, however, the idea of universe doesn’t do the job which the
cosmologist intends—he means the entire universe, but that’s too
bad. He can’t have it all, and in this way he can’t have
anything of what he intended. Tricks galore, this is what modern
physics relies upon, having no real substance, in fact being
outright absurd.
if you don’t like the inappropriate use of terminology and
concepts from real science applied to cosmic matters, let alone
the universe, wait till you see how even these traces of real
science we saw so far, will disappear when the cosmologist takes
full control over these matters with his outright absurd
“theory” of relativity and quantum mechanics, completely
hygienized even of traces of science and basic reason.
the meantime, everything that looks like standard knowledge is
harnessed to drag the dreary cart of big bang. Thus,
supercooling, a known effect, is considered on par with quantum
mechanics—anti-scientific area, but fully recognized by the
mainstream. All this is stirred into an incredible mish-mash of
an explanation, supposed to be scientific.
if the above is not enough, here comes a peculiar twist
connected with the energy of the universe, whereby we would at
once become curious—how does the cosmologist know anything about
the energy in the infinite universe? The cosmologist conjures it
through infinite extrapolation, perhaps? However, as will be
mentioned further on as well, even if we consider that we have
at hand improper integrals having infinite limits, there is also
the integrand. How does the cosmologist know what the integrand,
referring to the infinite universe, is? Need it be repeated, he
doesn’t know?
for the matter treated as energy, the argument goes like this.
The cosmologist considers the mass in the universe as positive
energy—well, isn’t it true that the mass is positive in \(E =
mc^2\), therefore \(E\) is positive. This is quite questionable,
however, if that equation is to be used for such mass-energy
substitution. Is it really true at all that mass was made of
energy? This is, again, a mechanistical assumption based on no
grounds. The cosmologist thinks that the claim that matter is
locked energy follows from quantum mechanics but quantum
mechanics is absurdity and therefore nothing can follow from it.
These flawed conjectures show how important it is to understand
exactly the meaning of \(E = mc^2\) and whether it really means
that matter can be converted into energy, let alone that mass
can be taken as energy, and also whether quantum mechanics is
viable scientifically. If that picture is wrong, we can get into
these wrong conjectures—what on earth, \(E = mc^2\) shows that
mass and energy are equivalent, so, then, why shouldn’t I be
able to think energy when I say mass?
On the other hand—because of gravity, particles apart have
greater energy as a whole than those same particles together,
the former acquiring the form of negative energy.
Let us pay attention to this Jesuit explanation—so, the masses
themselves, expressed as energy, are positive energy, but,
because they are apart, that energy should be considered
thing is to recall that the universe is uniform. Why? That
uniformity follows from the uniform relic cosmic microwave
background radiation. Therefore, the conjecture is that the two
energies cancel each other. This is an obvious stretch, however,
because, even if we agree (we shouldn’t because is it not true
that there is gravity because of matter?) that gravity cancels
matter—because it was conjectured that gravity is negative
energy, while matter is positive energy—modeling infinite
universe is impossible. The objection will be that we have
improper integrals (with infinite limits). However, as was
already said, what is important, and what we cannot conjecture
about, is what function is to be integrated, what is under the
integral. Therefore, it is not at all evident that the total
energy of the universe is zero.
the cosmologist continues—during the expansion of the universe
it increases the matter (positive energy) but also increases the
gravitational energy (negative energy), leading again to zero
net energy—because more of the zero is also zero. What an
interesting way of not violating conservation of energy and
cheating nature by ostensibly not violating conservation of
such a far out, actually straight incorrect idea, is hailed
because it works in favor of the big bang enthusiasts. This is
not the first time in history when half-baked ideas, or outright
wrong ideas, of someone are praised to the skies because they
fit well in support of someone else’s hallucinations but that
someone else has been promoted by the monarchies or by whoever
are the powers-to-be of the day to the position of science
dictators. Some would-be scientists had turned such fawning to
the figments of the science governors into a family business,
crunching otherwise completely senseless papers, but mentioning
the magic words that needed support when first introduced, such
as “quantum&rdquo", on every page. As in any business, the business of
producing papers which open academic doors and then open doors
to immortality and planetary fame, requires skills even more
sinister and corrupt than the dishonest practices of your
everyday crooked businessperson on the black list of the Better
Business Bureau. Ambition has no bounds, and when it is
unprincipally stimulated, the result is a pseudo-scientific
monster of the worst pathological sort, the inflation model of
the universe being invisible in comparison with other monsters
of science pathology that have overtaken the world.
wonder what will be the response, and even if it would be at all
noticed, when I present in a future book the entirely legitimate
discovery of violation of conservation of energy, producing
energy “out of nothing”, as it were, when appropriately
combining two non-energy quantities?
In comparison, in a normal expansion of the universe, whereby
the cosmologist means the so-called hot big bang; that is,
without applying the Jesuit dodging, twisting and turning, based
on supercooling (the inflationary model), the so-called positive
energy density represented by matter, decreases as the universe
swells . Do you get the trick? In the normal expansion the
energy goes down because the universe gets cooler, as explained
with the cylinder with piston, filled with gas. But, here, in
the supercooled state, the expansion is not causing cooling,
that is the energy density stays the same.
a result, the cosmologist conjectures, because that mass has
become more, it means that the energy has become more, which
also means that, conversely, there will be energy to make
This is completely inadequate thinking. Mass cannot cancel or
compensate energy because mass is not energy, mass when it is
really mass, cannot express itself as energy to be able to
cancel whatever other energy stands in the way. To say nothing
of the general objection throughout this discourse to the claim
that the universe can be inflated at all. The universe is
infinite and an infinite entity cannot be inflated more.
of course, today, universe is, humbly, not expanding in an
inflationary way. How else would you be able to spread the false
premises—there is no evidence today of universe inflation? How
did this disappearance of the supecooling happen, however? Well,
says cosmologist, just as it happens with supercooled
water—supercooling ends and water is turned into ice.
Incidentally, the end of supercooling incites the breaking of
symmetry between the 3 forces and we get into what we experience
now—the three forces display themselves separately, the symmetry
is broken, the mantra goes. Furthermore, when the symmetry gets
broken, the extra energy heats universe, but only below the
symmetry, so the broken symmetry stays. And then, as expected by
the model, the universe will go on expanding, respectively,
cooling, but now we have forged a fabricated explanation as to
why the different regions have the same temperature and why
universe is expanding at critical rate.
there are further developments of the model, whereby the new
phase of broken symmetry is personified (embodied) by bubbles.
Further, it is imagined that these bubbles will coalesce with
each other until the whole universe turns into the new phase.
And, then, if we should know more about this, it is objected
that expansion is so fast that the bubbles can’t meet—bubbles
will move away from each other faster than the speed of light,
even if they grew at the speed of light.
stuff of idle fantasizing grows on you and you no longer
remember the chronic fatality that the kernel of this theory,
the big bang, is unrealistic, and therefore any further
proposals are nothing but banter. We will, nevertheless, mention
the objection that because of this failure to meet, many bubbles
will not coalesce and that would leave some regions with
unbroken symmetry, which is something that we do not see around
us … and so on and so forth. Further and further details pile up
discussed in conferences and published in the archival
literature and in the middle of all this, senseless in its own
self occupation, the real absurdity starts creeping in
explicitly—the “theory” of relativity, not that at the bottom,
as the big bang, the “theory” of relativity as the theoretical
generator of the big bang, hasn’t been already present.
transfer into absurdity of the above-discussed consideration,
inadequate to begin with, is prodded by made-up arguments for
further difficulties, stemming from offered quasi-mathematical
arguments, having no physical meaning whatsoever, based on the
absurd “theory” of relativity. One can read about singularity
theorems, using some imagined laws of science, to back-engineer
universe to its initial configuration, quantum mechanics begins
to be mentioned, presumptions about imagined beginning of time
pop up, and so on. Further, as if the “theory” of relativity was
not enough of a nuisance, here comes another absurdity on top of
it—quantum mechanics, praising itself with lack of
singularities. However, there may or may not be singularities in
the quantum theory, but the quantum theory is an absurdity
itself. Thus, it is not this central problem, the absurdity,
that gets addressed, but the attention is directed to side
issues—singularities and the like. Thus, unfortunately, neither
of the two absurdities can provide the needed laws to tackle
universe in any of its aspects, to say nothing that a beginning
of universe is implied, which arrives from one of the
absurdities. Therefore, it is a total mess, begun by the very
proposal for big bang and the adoption of the absurdity known as
“theory” of relativity. Thus, for instance, it is absolutely of
no consequence what the singularity theorems indicate because
they are non sequitur. They, if they even at all make
any mathematical sense, arrive from absurdities. Also, any
further developments such as the introduction of imaginary time
to help with resolving whatever technical problems the
proponents perceive in the so-called sum over histories, an
inadequacy in itself, or any other approach, idea or technique
one may suggest, are, inadequate, once it is realized that all
these ideas are to upgrade the absurdity known as spacetime.
Knowing that spacetime is an absurd construct and building on it
Euclidean space based on imaginary time, means to build insanity
and sheer madness over lunacy. Cosmologists who have based their
life's work, have wasted their life and those who desperately
defend these absurd ideas are doing it just to protect their ego
and undeserved standing in academia and society. There is no
rational, scientific reason behind such protection. It is an
exhibit of pure human weakness. The cosmologist has wasted all
his life chasing something which is worse than clairvoyance and
bedlam-banter, especially because the doltishness he espouses is
decorated with academic garlands of prestige and honor. To say
nothing of the enormous material waste they have incurred on
society with their influence to extract billions from the
governments of countries and squander these billions on
absurdities. This is a disgrace, an affront to academic decorum.
Certain societal positions of influence come with responsibility
to not fall below a certain degree of decorum and style.
mention it again, what is absolutely taken for granted here, in
violation of every rule of science and logic, is that there is a
beginning of the universe and that the “theory” of relativity
and quantum mechanics can be pondered as possible descriptions
of the universe. On the contrary, what is to be taken for
granted is that universe is infinite and infinity cannot be
expanded more. There is nothing more infinite than infinity and
that should be understandable especially by the mathematicians,
what these cosmologists primarily are. It should also be taken
for granted that the above-mentioned “theories” are absurdities,
which should never be allowed to contaminate any scientific
you see how the absurdities stand at the doorstep of all these
ruminations and the reasonable person cannot even enter the
expanses of these considerations, even when willing to get
exposed to these ideas. There are certain thresholds of
intellectual hygiene which cannot be crossed. They are actually
an offense to even the average intellect of a human being. This
occupation with juggling absurdities wrought in mathematical
models seems like what incapable mathematicians do because they
have no qualities to compete on the real field of mathematics
and take up tackling physical problems, impressing, actually
intellectually damaging, inexperienced novices aspiring to do
really irritating thing is that once you have unequivocally
rejected the “theory” of relativity and all its progeny such as
spacetime, thinking that it would be all, that absurdity still
keeps creeping in, coming onto humanity again and again, as an
annoying horsefly, nagging in various forms of writing, film or
The answer to the question as to how society allows itself to
get infested by such travesty, lies in the complicated
intertwining of vested interests with political, ideological and
goodness only knows what else interests—anything but real
science, logic and reason.
times cosmologists openly flirt with secularity, knowing full
well that the big bang theory is prone to be used outside of
science. Even worse, coming as if from science, the big bang
theory comes to use for extraneous iniquitous purposes and that
use is even more reinforced due to its academic backing. One
thing, however, is for sure, the secular views need no enemy
when they are backed by arguments said to be arriving from the
“theory” of relativity. In 1987 the US Supreme Court in its
decision regarding the case known as Edwards v. Aguillard, 482
U.S. 578 (1987), ruled, in the name of upholding the secular
character of the US Constitution, against teaching intelligent
design in schools. Although one may think that it is only up to
academia to decide matters of science, when it comes to matters
of utmost national importance such as protecting the spirit of
the US Constitution, such intervention is justified. Because
there is no way to remove the two absurdities, forming the
fundamentals of contemporary science, destroying it and thus
undermining society, discussed in this book, by reasoning with
adepts who have vigorously occupied academia, zealously
protecting it, intervention on the matters discussed in this
book by the US Supreme Court is more than urgent.
proposal for a theory may be generically absurd, absurd from the
get go. There are no aesthetic or metaphysical reasons to put
forth absurd theories, even if they appear very attractive. An
aesthetically appearing absurdity is still absurdity. On the
other hand, indeed, one may find artistic qualities in
absurdity. This is exploited widely in modern art. However, that
doesn’t qualify one bit that kind of absurdity, recognized as
aesthetic in art, as a candidate for a scientific theory. An
absurd proposal is not even tested in order to verify its
scientific validity. The “theory” of relativity is such generic
absurdity, which does not need to be tested. It catastrophically
collapses on the very pages of the very first paper where it was
put forth. If not attended to, it spawns indiscriminately
further and further absurdities such as the ones we just talked